This year there was a Texas Scarmble (nothing to do with breakfast!) expertly organised by Ian. There were three teams. Each member of the team was required to have at least 3 of their t-shots count towards the overall score other than that the best shot was used. The winning team score was 9 under par while the losing one 11.
The AGM was expertly chaired by Andrew. One of the first discussion points was the voting system. We now vote out of six (0 is also allowed - does that mean we are voting out of 7?) ! We are also now called SWAMPS (Saffron Walden Arts Motion Picture Society) (who thought of that?). Other key points -we all owe JT £5 for best film of season 2017! There are now 6 categories on which to score the film (film only!). The categories are listed here for the benefit of Simon (cinematography does not mean the camera was used outside).
Acting the art or occupation of performing fictional roles
Directing supervise and control
CInematography the art of photography and camerawork in film-making
Storyline the plot of a novel, play, film
Originality the quality of being novel or unusual
Recommendation the action of recommending something or someone.
Perhaps the most difficult concept discussed at the AGM was that of the process by which we should choose the next film. I think there was some general agreement that 3 categories should be emailed to me and then placed in a hat for random selection. However, 189 emails later and still no conclusion I have decided to create a virtual random hat!