The Imitation Game
Hosted by Bruce
Date 18 December
Score 61%
Sweet wines are often offered as an aperitif in France and served with Foie Gras pate we were told - true or false? We did try two sweet wines. One was the traditional Bordeaux dessert wine - very expensive but less impressive than the cheaper and not so sweet alternative.
There are 159,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible codes that could be used to encrypt signals using Enigma. The encryption codes are changed everyday and it is Alan Turing's job to work out what code has been used in order to decipher the transmissions for all those Uboats. So while everyone else is trying to guess what the answer is by predicting some common phrases (like Heil Hitler) he decides to build the world's first programmable computer. With the help of clever Keira and a few chums they manage to crack the code. However, there is a problem with being able to read all the transmissions - if they act on all of them the germans will no that their code has been broken and invent something new.
The film was shown from three perspectives - Alan Turing at Bletchley park, Alan as an awkward teenager at boarding school, and Alan being interviewed by a police detective in the 1950's. The film was nominated for 8 oscars and one won for best screenplay. The quality of the film was reflected in the film score. The nibbles were good but nothing creative (pate and cheese again!). There was allegedly Foie Gras pate available. In any case we are not marking the food!
Film 69%
Evening 53%
Aggregated score of 61%