Sweeney Todd
Hosted by James
Date 12 February
Score 68%
James's two categories were "Comedy with a girl with big tits" and "Musical". So it was going to be a Carry On film or Daves's favorite a Musical. Sweeney Todd was an interesting musical to choose. Neither Johnny Depp, HBC, Alan Rickman or Timothy Spall can sing - but they all had a good go. However, the film did win best musical at the Golden Globes in 2007. London 1849, Sweeney Todd has been exiled to Australia by a corrupt judge for a crime he did not commit. When he returns to London 15 years later he decides to take his revenge on the Judge (and a number of other people) by opening up a Barber shop directly above HBC's meat pie shop. By cutting the throats of the victims he entices into his barber shop he provides a ready supply of fresh meat for the pie shop below! The film did not score well. However, the evening was voted very highly.
There were 4 gin's available to taste including a lovely pink pepper gin. Excellent choice of canope's and waitress delivered crisps!! What more do you need? Well some snuff and Mike's adventure down Jimbo's famously steep stairs all helped to make sure the evening was one of the most hilarious yet.
Film 82%
Evening 53%
Aggregated score of 68%