Christmas Canapé Competition
Rules and Instructions
At the bottom of this page is your mystery ingredient
Your job is to make a plate of identical canapés that feature this particular ingredient prominently
You will present your canapés at the film club and give a brief description of them and what you were trying to achieve (this is an opportunity to sway the judging!)
Canapés can be warm or cold, savoury or sweet
I’ll provide a cheeseboard for the film and some crisps for Andrew
Your efforts will be assessed and marked by your peers (and no... you can't vote for yourself 😉 )
It is likely that we will adopt a Eurovision style of marking so that each chef must allocate the same number of marks. If there are 8 chefs then you will have a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 1. I was toying with the idea of having “Nil Point” but hey, it’s Christmas.
The following criteria should be considered for marking:
1. Taste
2. Concept
3. Execution
4. Chefs introduction (see above)
5. Christmas Canapé Star Appeal
Finally an extra two marks will be given for the wearing of a Christmas jumper and Christmas socks
The following are the mystery ingredients that we drew;
Dave Stilton
Simon Fish
Andrew Chicken
Bruce Tomato
Mike Dark chocolate
Jonathan Nuts
Ian Proscuitto
Nick Mushroom
Jimbo Can’t remember what you had can you let us know please
Dan The unallocated ingredients where orange and asparagus. I suggest you take your pick.
As previously only constructions using your own skills and labour will be accepted. Anyone caught submitting the efforts of there spouses will be open to continued ridicule at every film club meeting throughout 2016.