Official minutes from AGM
1) The majority felt that the new system of non voting had worked well and that we should stick with it albeit in a modified form.
2) The free choice of film was voted against and no genres will be imposed.
3) It was agreed that the film related conversation was core to the club and efforts should be made by the host to promote this in choice of film. A full introduction or summation as to why the film was chosen and its merits as well as a personal guide on what we should look out for would help promote this.
4) The choice of wine over the year and some of the new innovations, cheap v expensive was felt to have been good. We stopped just short of banning crisps and it was felt that out of ‘respect’ for fellow members the food should be of a higher standard across the board... (Robin will, I’m sure, be happy to advise on snackage to the more challenged members in the kitchen).
5) To make the seasons films more memorable and to focus the evening further, a non competitive 5 star scoring system will be introduced FOR THE FILM ONLY ... MKM will log these scores on his portable computer.
6) It was agreed that future film clubs will occur on the 3rd Tuesday of the month until further notice...
7) The next AGM will be chaired by Andrew Frostick.
Respect the Club!!
"As a Film Club Host I will respect the club. I accept responsibility for putting on a quality event, to imbue a sense of occasion, to do my homework prior to my showing, which will include seeking film recommendations, researching and previewing my choice, as well as preparing an appropriate introduction to the film and doing my utmost to ensure the film clubs' high standards are maintained."