Christmas Canapé Competition
Right then, get your aprons out, your heads down and get ready for the great Christmas canapé bake off
We would like you to turn up with your best canapés. No stipulations on ingredients this year; just give it your best shot.
Now for some rules ……….
We are looking for 12 canapés – no more and no less (this reminds me of Ian’s German/French teacher – how weird)
They must be as close to identical as possible
They must be canapés. We are defining them as bite size … not two bite sizes
If anyone turns up with the same canapé as someone else, both parties will be penalised. We want to encourage creativity
We may debate this but for now it will be the same judging as last year – each person will get 3 votes; picking a winner, second and third.
And the Winner is......
James for his Scotch egg and homemade chutney. Easily the most votes and that is despite numerous penalty points awarded. Penalty points as follows - it was a bit too big to be defined as bite size, there were also more than 12 and james arrived quite late!
Honorable mention goes to Ian for his delicately constructed canape which included a pair of crossed chives.
Simon's cherry brandy chocolate brownie was awarded best desert.
Dave gets a special mention for the most original and challenging canape - fillet steak and caper carpaccio served on a teaspoon.